Emerge Unstoppable in 2011!

Emerge Unstoppable in 2011! That's my mission this year. Join me as I blog about life during divorce, raising a three year old, and the fight to live one's dream of being a writer, a graphic designer, a prayerfully a success at it all.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Around of Words in 80 Days - My first Wednesday Update

Yes, it's sad but true, I signed on for a challenge at a time in my life that there is no time. Pamela Mason, your comments about a challenge for those of us with a life, to you I say, "Ha!" Waking up = No TIME! Not even for a challenge for which you set your own goals.

So, here I am to tell you that for the first two days of ROW80 I have done nothing but brainstorm. Ideas and research have been running rampant through my head. Now, if someone could take dictation, they might actually make it to the page.

Happy challenge to all of you ROW80ers. Maybe I'll find the minimal 45 minutes I require of myself tomorrow.

aka The Unstoppable (currently reconsidering her name) Ms. Start


  1. Brainstorming is still productive! :) As long as it's brainstorming and not daydreaming. There aren't many of us (us, not them) who know the difference. Wish I could take dictation for you...

  2. Don't go changing that name!! "Unstoppable" doesn't indicate you can do it all in one day but rather that you *will* do it no matter which day, or how many days, it takes to accomplish it.

  3. That's the beauty of this challenge; you can tweak your goals as you go. Maybe you shouldn't commit to write at all the days you are scheduled to work; then if it turns out you find a few minutes, you will feel like a success as opposed to a failure. You hang in there, girlfriend! I believe in you!

  4. "Waking up=No TIME!"
    You have one of the most productive lives I've ever known. Don't beat yourself up trying to see how much you can add before the scales tip over.
    Part of life is learning to accept your limitations and value what's important to you and explore how to make those things work into your life's goals.
    Why make yourself crazy over something like this?
    To everything there is a season...
    You have a child who will never be little again. I have a son stepping off the cliff of adulthood. Those are the most important things right now. Nurture. Observe. Love. Grow.
    Then go write about it all later when you can't sleep.
