Emerge Unstoppable in 2011!

Emerge Unstoppable in 2011! That's my mission this year. Join me as I blog about life during divorce, raising a three year old, and the fight to live one's dream of being a writer, a graphic designer, a prayerfully a success at it all.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Inspiration from God, Church and Music

Okay, so not too many of us bloggers blog about church life, but if you're going to know me, you're going to have to know about these incredible moments in my life. Like the ones that happened yesterday.

Waking up yesterday morning, I had no idea what my day would bring; a blessing to me as I love to take things as they come. But, yesterday felt different. I decided, among other things, to attend my home church. Despite the pain that comes from sitting in one of those old wood pews in the church where I was married, I find a great deal of peace there. The peace of knowing my church family cares for me and my little girl; the peace of familiar faces and greetings; of knowing that my pastor will ask me, "Where the hell have you been?" (Love her!)

I attended church yesterday to receive all of that peace, to hear a wonderful message in a place I call home. I heard that the Agnes Scott College Collegiate Chorale was going to provide the music, but I had no idea what it would mean. What a joy! They performed in a way that brought out the best in our small congregation. The energy in the room was palpable as parishioners listened to the exquisite melodies and lifted their heads in response.

One particular poignant moment for me was listening to There Is No Rose (Z. Randall Stroope). I closed my eyes to listen to the harmonious sounds of the chorale and witnessed beautiful whitish-pink smoke fill the room and enter into each of us, like the Holy Spirit filling us with the peace, passion, inspiration each of needed for the day. It was amazing; a moment I will treasure always.

I would be remiss in my blogger duties if I didn't tell you how tickled I was to hear the chorale, directed by our own Elise Eskew, perform Hail, Holy Queen (traditional arrangement by Shaman) in a stylized (aka. Rock n'Roll) version. Recall the movie, Sister Act with Whoopi Goldberg. There you go! An exciting, updated arrangement that had us all tapping and clapping along. The Agnes Scott Collegiate Chorale did an amazing job as did Elise.

Breaking from tradition is what inspires me about our little Emory Presbyterian Church. It's not all about the Order of Service, or getting things just right. It's not about following the Good Book chapter and verse, but more about loving each other for who we are. Where I am in life speaks to this. Most of my church family knows my husband isn't home watching football. Some don't, and they ask where he is, but that's okay. I can honestly say he wasn't able to come. No matter the depth and breadth of knowledge, they all love and except me as separated or married, working or jobless, happy or sad, faithful or doubting. And that, my friends, is what makes my church home so valuable and inspiring to me.

Until next time, I remain Unstoppable.


  1. Wow, I would have loved to have been there & heard that. Come Thou Fount of Evr'y Blessing is one of my favorite hymns, traditionally sung by a chorus or updated for the rock band that we hear at our church. Praise & worship music can just fill you up to your pores, you know?
    Just loosens you up & lets all the love flow out... Happy to hear your great Sunday Lindy!

  2. Music is powerful, that's for sure; the last time I experienced such a moment was at the Messiah Singalong at Roswell United Methodist Church. I am glad you have a "church home" to provide comfort during these tough times. Thank you for sharing your Sunday!

  3. Thanks so much, Pam and Pamela, for commenting with your Support and special thoughts. Have a wonderful day!
